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General information
Name *
Surname *
Date of birth
Club *
Citizenship *
Telephone number *
Address *
Zip code *
Place *
E-mail *
Class *
If you will not qualify for SMP do you wish to take part in KZS?

IGC ID * check if not applicable (you're not ranked)
Link will be available after the publication of the IGC Ranking on the Gliding Commission website
check if not applicable (you're not ranked)

Glider type *
Registration Marks
Contest Number
Main recorder - type
Main recorder - number
Secondary Recorder - type
Secondary Recorder - number

Additional information
Total Flying Hours
Your kilometers
Start of trening (date)
End of trening (date)
Aviation achievements
About me

I agree for processing by the organizer - Aeroclub of Stalowa Wola - my personal data relating.

Fields marked * are REQUIRED

Your profile will be published on this site (in pilots bookmark) after our verification.